There are no wheels like wheels
So we took a little test. Older carbon wheels Ritchey Carbon WCS 50mm and Tufo Carbona 30mm against the second highest model from IDEY - Calobra Ultra in 2x 45mm. All the wheels are on Tufo Elite Pulse 25mm tubulars.
Boring data of complete wheels:
Ritchey and Tufo, purchase price of already second-hand bikes slightly below 20000Kč
Ritchey Carbon WCS - 790g
Tufo Carbona - 870g
flat stainless steel spokes
IDEA Calobra Ultra, purchase price slightly under 50000Kč
IDEA Calobra Ultra - 480g
flat carbon spokes
Former high-end versus current high-end - for sort of reasonable money. All further evaluation is subjective, the feelings gained are during race deployments in sprints, climbs, descents and on flat trails.
From the first few races so far, the following observations are:
The first race test of Calobra wheels in sprints in Austria. They seem more stable at top speed with hard kick.
At the Tour de Zelenak, at some 80km/h with a sidecut, it's already a bit wild, but it would probably be with a higher Ritchey bike too. Uphill it climbs nicely, the weight is of course noticeable.
On the track in Letohrad, better braking effect on the downhill. Compared to last year with the older set, however, 4km/h lower top speed. Whether the wind was blowing differently, the hubs spin differently, I have no idea.
In the other races - Rollo League Konstantinov Lazne and Eurocup Bibione, I'm more in the pack now, so a lot of the wheels, scooter and ultimately physics characteristics are pretty much erased.
Of course you'll want our verdict. If you enjoy racing and going fast, any quality carbon wheels makes sense. Feel free to use low-quality ones for show, but leave the footbike on the rack in the living room instead. We can talk about appropriate rim heights or designs. And if you want to spend money wisely, get stiff, lightweight wheels or weigh a few extra pounds, you can't go wrong with the Calobra Ultra. The carbon spokes have awesome features and not many other manufacturers offer them. Likewise, the weight is unbeatable in the available price range.